Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 11/25 - 11/29

Thanksgiving week! A lot of tasks to be done:

1. Fix problems
2. Append everything together
3. Test run the game

Week 11/18-11/22

This week's tasks:

1. Create the grab animations and set up the objects in the game
2. Create the forests with animations

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 11/07 -11/14


1. Character animations
2. Maze: The player will need to walk through the maze to find the woods and other resources to build a house.

Update: The following maze is created and the character can do the following actions: walk and run.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homework 14

1. Panel: Grain - bake bread/sow - if bake bread then 1 grain turn into 3 bread- if sow then 1 grain turns into 2 grains later

2. Starting interface. Start interface -  start new game/continue - if start new game then select male/female