Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homework 3

Object 1

1. A description of  what you have done with Blender in your Blog

Ball: Create a sphere, Solidify the thickness of the ball in add a modifier, Subdivide the surface of the ball and smooth, change the materials of the ball to glass in the materials, create a plane and scale the plane to 20, change the plane color to white, set the world background as black.

Star: Create a circle, use knife (K) to cut out the vertics, remove the redundant part by removing surface in the middle and scale to the center, adjust the thickness of the star, adjust the location of the star.

Render: Adjust the location of the lamp and the strength in data to 2000,  adjust the camera to get the best shot, test render, adjust the render strength to 2000, render. (Update: I added another lamp.)

2. A description of how these objects fit into your teams' game

There will be certain number of dragon balls in the game (maybe 4-5). The player will need to collect all the balls so that he/she can get out the dragon. The player will make a wish to the dragon to clean the village and save the villagers. The dragon balls will be hided in the game and once the player fight off all the aliens and challenges, he/she will get the ball.

Object 2

1. A description of  what you have done with Blender in your Blog.

Add sphere, remove the top part, scale the bottom part (s+z 0), drag the bottom to make it like a cup, extrude one vertics and shape the handle of the cup (extrude regional), randomly select the vertics and scale them to 1.02 to make it look more real, solidify the thickness of the cup to 1.2, subdivide surface and smooth, change the texture by uploading a photo, change to compositing mode, adjust the arrangement of the texture, adjust the light strength to 2500, adjust the camera, Render the picture.

2. A description of how these objects fit into your teams' game

This is a ceramic that may be part of the background of the games. It can be sold on the stands on the street and the player can talk to the seller and get the clue to proceed game.

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